Ceramic Piston
Nishimura’s high purity alumina N-99 (Alumina 99.5% over), N-999(Alumina over 99.9%), and Zirconi[…..]
Nishimura’s high purity alumina N-99 (Alumina 99.5% over), N-999(Alumina over 99.9%), and Zirconi[…..]
Nishimura’s Blue Zirconia products are using for a measuring tool. Strong Point When the object is white[…..]
Nishimura’s Black color Zirconia which do specular working on surface is using for ornament. Stro[…..]
Our high purity alumina ceramics, N-99s pump shaft is suited for pump parts. Dimention accuracy tolerance of o[…..]
Alumina mill stone is used for consumer-electric makers’s tea grinder.
Nishimura’s Alumina ceramic spacer is used as a spacer that required electric non-conductance or heat re[…..]
Aluminum nitride insulator which has an inner screw. We can shape it in any way as customers prefer. We are do[…..]
Zirconia ceramic nut is made by Cold Isostatic Pressing, which can be adopted for many machine parts. W[…..]
Zirconia ceramic bolt is made by Cold Isostatic Pressing which can be adopted for many machine parts. We are d[…..]
-N-6H has great heat dissipation. This product is specific for LED radiator case so that We can supply […..]